Posted July 26, 1612, by Chatty Cathy:

Another brochure is available from the Ellwangen trials! Wow, the witches’ issue over there is getting intense…. Sending prayers to everyone with family in Ellwangen, I hope He is watching over you.


  • Peter Danner: My daughter was executed in these trials last year. However, I just keep in mind that ‘He shall come to judge the living and the dead.’
    • Chatty Cathy: @PeterDanner So sorry to hear about your loss. Sending prays and hope she made her way through the pearly gates.
    • Peter Danner: @ChattyCathy At this point, I hope we can just all live peacefully soon.
  • Michael Hochenschildt: Who is putting these insane zealots like Westerstetten in charge? At this rate, the whole area is going to be killed.
    • Joachim Meggelin: @MichaelHochenschildt How dare you question a man who has done so much for our country’s retribution?!? If I was not a devout Jesuit brother and preacher of the one true religion then I would have some select words for you. However, I am a holy man and instead, I send a warning out to the community. The witch issue is extremely pressing in Eichstätt!!! The 1603 executions were not enough. If you worship and fear God, as I do, we MUST advocate for greater support from the principality!!!!!

Posted November 8, 1612, by Vicar General Hans Priefer:

Greetings everyone. I am devastated to inform you that your prince bishop Johann Conrad von Gemmingen has passed away today. Prince bishop Gemmingen will be missed, but he will be greeted by Him at the gleaming gates of Heaven, bless his soul. We will all be sending thoughts and prayers to ease his family’s grief. High-status, educated officials are currently in discussion over the election of a new prince bishop, who will hopefully be named and announced within the next month or so. Sit tight folks we will be reinstated soon!

God Bless

Posted December 5, 1612, by P.B.JWesterstetten:

Hello, to the community of Eichstätt Territory! I am your newly elected Prince Bishop, Johann Christoph von Westerstetten.

Some of you may recognize my name, or my face, as I was appointed a canon in Eichstätt from 1589 until I became the prince provost of Ellwagen in 1603. I have achieved great successes at Ellwagen, in the name of God, to combat the heretical practices of witches, Lutherans, and pagans, which I hope to continue doing in this community. My goal is to aggressively fight against the devil’s forces of evil and keep the Catholic church and people pure. Moving forward we hope to reform the area to be favorable to His vision and the first step is joining the Catholic League. From previous experience, the threat of being invaded by the Protestant militancy is a pressing concern for the Eichstätt territory and this step is vital for our protection. Here is a snapshot of me re-entering the league;)

Another threat to our prosperity is witchcraft, whose diabolism I have witnessed firsthand. In Ellwangen, heretics practiced blasphemy in their communion, guaranteeing their exile from God’s community. He shows contempt for his children by causing famine, harvest failure, sickness, etc., so to show that we, as a nation, can be redeemed we must crush the witch infestation. Ellwangen is well in order and does not need my services as pressingly as the Eichstätt Territory in the present time. Whispers of witchcraft have been tied to this territory, with previous investigation waves resulting in needed executions from 1590 to 1592 and in 1603. However, anonymous reports of neighborhood chatter and suspicious activities are sparking an inquiry for further investigation. In due time, I will be bringing in a group of witch commissioners and begin developing a standard interrogation and record-keeping system to bring legal structure to my investigation. In the meantime, I will be following up with some of the acquisitions. If anyone has ANY information about the alleged witch activity, please contact me. ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is heaven.’



  • Joachim Meggelin: Welcome back Prince Bishop Westerstetten!! We are so blessed to have your expertise and leadership here in Eichstätt. ‘We fly unto thee’ to cleanse our territory of heresy. Amen.
    • B.JWesterstetten: @JoachimMeggelin Joachim, thank you for the warm welcome. May we meet up as soon as possible to discuss the details of the heresy issues such as witch hunting, denunciations, etc…? Hope to hear from you soon. God Bless.
    • Joachim Meggelin: @P.B. JWesterstetten Sounds like a plan your grace. How does Tuesday at 4pm work? Additionally, you may want to check out @MichaelHochenschildt
  • Margret Hochenschildt: Welcome @P.B.JWesterstetten! Regarding a comment made by my husband’s profile a few months ago, his account was hacked. Those comments do not reflect his devotion to Him, Catholicism, and your grace. I pray for your sympathy. God Bless
    • P.B.JWesterstetten: @MargretHochenschildt Understood.

Posted July 8, 1617, by Chatty Cathy:

Hi Folks, here is the fall community update!

Politics & Conflict:

  • How much longer will the Protestant Union last? Formed in 1608 to maintain security after the Peace of Augsburg legitimized Lutheranism alongside Catholicism in the Holy Roman Empire, The Protestant Union has been aiming to recruit protestant princes and cities to join. The union still has trouble making foreign alliances which places its longevity in question. As of now, the union’s members consist of Palatinate, Baden-Durlach, Württemberg, Brandenburg, Hessen-Kassel, Zweibrücken, Anhalt’s brothers, the count of Ottingen and sixteen imperial cities. However, since the duke of Neuburg broke from the union in 1613 and prominent Protestant leaders, cities, and territories, such as Saxony and Ausburg, remain separate, one is left to question its stability.
  • See you later Catholic League! Tensions between Protestants and Catholics continue to intensify, especially with the addition of the Austrian Habsburg monarchy to the Catholic League in 1613 which aims to suppress Protestantism in their lands. The Archduke of Austria and the Prince-Electors of Mainz and Trier, who run the Catholic League, refused to admit the Bishop of Augsburg and Ellwangen to the league. The result being the duke of Bavaria removing himself and creating a separate league, which our territory recently joined end of May. Bavaria plans to take more drastic and violent measures in opposition to Lutheranism and heretics, so stay safe everyone.
  • Prince Bishop Westerstetten made an enthusiastic statement regarding the growing tensions between the Protestants and Catholics within the Holy Roman Empire. Westerstetten reassured that the process of recatholicization has been highly influential, exemplified by his achievement in converting the former Lutheran, Gottfried Heinrich, Count of Pappenheim and marshal of the Imperial armies in 1614. Bavarian support of the Catholic Prince Bishops remains the most desirable connection and together we will continue to bring people back to Him. God speed.

Community Chatter:

  • Is Marie Bittelmayr having another affair? Sources indicate she has been seen catching glances with councilor Georg Gabler, despite them both being married. This is not the first infidelity rumor that has crossed both individuals, but perhaps it was just an innocent glance?
  • Vitar Gutmann continues to be at the forefront of people’s minds after the death of his wife, Barbara Spät, early this year. Although the cause of Spät’s death remains inconclusive, a reliable source shared that they overheard Gutmann publicly accusing Spät’s mother, Anna the Fischerin of Pietenfeld, of poisoning his former wife. Witnesses report that the interaction seemed extremely tense. Although a respected member of the community, Anna Spät has allegedly been tied to witchcraft in the past many times.
  • Andreas Weber and his wife have successfully given birth to a healthy baby boy, delivered by a midwife, named Margery Haubner early this week. Congratulations folks!

God Bless!


  • Magdalena Widman: @MargeryHaubner is such a talent, showing such skill in labor and childcare over the years. God Bless her!
    • Maria Fackelmayr: She delivered our dear boy two years ago and was INCREDIBLE!!!
    • Margery Haubner: So grateful for all the community support<3
    • Andreas Weber: So happy our son was delivered safely! Thank you @MargeryHaubner
    • Peter Danner: Is no one going to address the multiple babies in her care that died over suspicious circumstances last year?!?
  • Anna Spät: Do not believe everything you hear online good neighbors. I would never hurt our dear Barbara; God rest her soul. Viter Gutmann and our family are in the process of reconciliation. In the meantime, we would appreciate privacy while we resolve this issue.
  • Susanna Harding: Not surprised heretics are hiding out in the small villages… about time we brought somebody to investigate their questionable lifestyle.
    • Chatty Cathy: @SusannaHarding Some would say the same about the shenanigans of main city gossip!!
    • Magdalena Widman: @ChattyCathy FACTS.
  • Georg Gabler: This Chatty Cathy character has gone too far this time…@ChattyCathy is most definitely one of these heretics causing havoc.
    • Chatty Cathy: @GeorgGabler I do not control the rumors. Maybe you should reassess how you spend your free time.
    • Georg Gabler: @ChattyCathy You will pay for this.

Posted October 20, 1617 by P.B.J.Westerstetten:

Witch Inquiry Update: Our investigation has been making significant progress in the last couple of months and I thank Him for his guidance in leading us one step closer to victory. We now have the interrogatory methods, personnel, and leads to begin serious action in eradicating the devil’s unfortunate influence over our territory. We have received convincing tips from our respectable locals that the witch presence in the outlying villages around Eichstätt cannot be ignored. We will be starting our official inquiry in Pietenfeld, Landershofen, Leithen, and Adelschlag, following up on those claims. We hope that the severity of the diabolical influence is minuscule, however, I suspect that this issue runs deeper.

On a more constructive note, the principality has approved the building of the new Jesuit church in Eichstätt! The society of Jesus has made astronomical efforts in the recatholicization of the state and are true soldiers in our battle against evil, making the establishment of this church a huge step in accelerating their progress.

One last request for the Eichstätt people. If anyone has seen Viter Gutmann of Pietenfeld, please alert him he has been summoned for further questioning.


  • Joachim Meggelin: @P.B. JWesterstetten I asked around Pietenfeld and no one can recall his location.
    • B. JWesterstetten: @JoachimMeggelin Just received a tip that a witness saw him heading towards Landershofen.

Posted November 15, 1617, by Chatty Cathy:

Witch Hunt Update: Prince Bishop Westerstetten has officially begun making arrests in Pietenfeld and Landershofen. Our inside source disclosed that Anna Spät, Barbara Khager, and Anna Schiller are the first to be taken into Eichstätt city hall for interrogation. No further information has been shared, other than that these women are being subjected to further questioning. All three women belong to respectable families, with fair husbands, so this comes as an overwhelming shock to the community and naturally has caused unease throughout the territory. Anna Spät was involved in a quarrel with her ex-son-in-law, Viter Gutmann in the summer, which they claimed was trying to be handled privately. However, everyone knows that Gutmann was called in by Prince Bishop Westerstetten for questioning and one cannot help but wonder whether the commissioners are aware of this possible malicious intent. Perhaps it is not aligned with their zealot agenda, but that is just the chatter running around the community.

God Bless


  • Margery Haubner: Seems like you cannot trust anyone in this community anymore…
    • Chatty Cathy: Unfortunately, that is the case. People seem to only care about saving their own skins. I think we all know who I am referring to……
    • B. J Westerstetten: Delete these comments immediately.


Posted December 2, 1617, by Joachim Meggelin:

Hello Folks! I am addressing you all at the request of Prince Bishop Johann Christoph von Westerstetten as he is occupied with the witch interrogations. However, I am honored and pleased to invite you all to the first set of witch executions on December 9, 1617, at 6 pm in the city center of Eichstätt. Those with denunciations are required to attend, but we hope to attract more casual spectators. The execution is an exciting milestone and our first strike back against the diabolisms seeping through our territory. I can feel the heavens weeping with joy at every witch we expose and eradicate. We are reinstating our territory’s greatness and I hope to see every single one of you attend to show your support for our principality’s recatholicizing efforts!!!


This Message is approved by Prince Bishop Johann Christoph von Westerstetten and the Eichstätt Principality.

God Bless!


  • Susanna Harding: Unfortunately, I do not think that I will be able to make the execution, for I have pre-existing plans☹
    • Joachim Meggelin: @SusannaHarding To be blunt, if you cannot make this event then we will have to investigate you. Hope you can make it!
  • Chatty Cathy: Those ‘witches’ names are Anna Spät, Barbara Khager, and Anna Schiller and they are innocent, and mark my words; they will not be the last unlawful executions. I ask the community to put their names in your prayers. Amen.
    • B. J. Westerstetten: @JoachimMeggelin Where are we with shutting this account down?!?
    • Joachim Meggelin: @P.B.JWesterstetten Still have not heard from the Website Administrators. My letter ceases a response for weeks now.
    • B. J. Westerstetten: Why do I have to do everything around here.

Posted January 11, 1618, by Chatty Cathy:

Executions: 18; In Custody: 3

Witch Hunt Update: Prince Bishop Westerstetten is wasting no time making executions to keep diminishing evil forces. His recent subjects of arrests, who are still alive in custody, are Wappel Weber, and Viter Gutmann all within a respectable status. Our inside source has gathered some exclusive statements from Viter Gutmann to be shared with the community since Westerstetten has not been forthcoming with the trial information. His statement stans:

“I appeal to Jesus, God, the saints, and the Virgin to stand as witnesses for my innocence. I have unlawfully been tortured into confessing sins and I suspect the innocence of my mother and mother-in-law as well. These trials were merely based upon a miscommunication regarding the death of my wife. I pray for my entry into the gates of heaven, as I have been beaten into confessing my renunciation of the Catholic religion. I also pray for the principality’s souls for their mission is being misled. God Bless, Amen.”

Please be conscious of the effects of condemning and accusing people of witchcraft. Do not engage if you are not 100% sure of their guilt, for the sake of our territory’s perseverance.

God Bless


  • B.J. Westerstetten: @JoachimMeggelin How do we take this blasphemy down?????
    • B. J. Westerstetten: @JoachimMeggelin HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO
  • Father Michael Reichard: I can confirm Gutmann’s fallacy as he shows inconsistency in his confessions and asks suspicious questions about witchcraft…
    • B. J. Westerstetten: @FatherMichaelReichard Thank you. This is useful.

Posted January 15, 1918, by P.B.J. Westerstetten:

Hello to the Eichstätt territory. I have been informed that there are some inaccurate rumors being spread, regarding the current witchcraft investigation which could be detrimental to our efforts to eradicate the diabolism that has infected the people. I want to assure everyone that my intentions remain pure and noble, exemplified by my personal progress in reinstating the Catholic faith within the Holy Roman Empire. Please keep in mind the contributions I have made to improving the physical and spiritual well-being of our inhabitants and eliminating heretics for Catholic prosperity.

To exemplify the evil, we are facing against the population, I will be providing a summarization of our latest confessed witch, Viter Gutmann.

Viter Gutmann is a 26-year-old who worked for his father Leonhard Gutmann, the Pietenfeld tavern-keeper and former judge. His mother Anna Schiller and mother-in-law Anna Spät, were convicted witches, executed in early December. Gutmann was taken in to be questioned about their accusations in mid-October. One of the situations in question was his wife’s suspicious death early last year. In our investigation, we uncovered that it was his wife’s mother, Anna Spät, that murdered her. Gutmann claimed to not know of any witchcraft activities from his mother-in-law, contradictory to witnesses’ recounts of overhearing him and accusing her of diabolical acts. Due to his inconsistent testimonies, Gutmann was arrested on December 12, 1617, and was confronted by his accusers in his first session of interrogation on December 13th and 14th, which revealed no conflicts of interest. Gutmann’s contradicting statements indicated incriminating intent to hide his wife’s murderer Anna Spät’s diabolism. Who would defend the woman that killed their wife? At that moment we knew that the Devil’s influence ran deeper. Earlier we discovered that Gutman’s mother, Anna Schiller, was a practitioner within Spät’s witch circle and had drawn in her son. Enacted by the moral seduction of his mother, Gutmann confessed to kissing the Devil on the backside and having sex not only with horses, but also with cattle, and partaking in the witches’ sabbath. In addition to his sodomy, Gutmann confessed that in his youth he abused his position as the tavern master’s son to force fornication upon a maid, impregnating her in the process. Initially, he had pledged himself to keep the maid even if he should no longer receive the sacrament, however, he was swayed to force the maid away by his parents’ wishes. We are currently still holding Gutmann for further torture and questioning.

Additionally, we have recently brought in the prisoner Margery Haubner into custody on suspicion of witchcraft, with fifteen sworn depositions from respectable figures in the community such as Peter Danner, Michael Hochenschildt, Margret Hochenschildt, Magdalena Widman, Valtin Lanng, Barbara Weis, Susanna Harding, Andreas Weber, Barbara Weber, Anna Weber, and Walburga Knab. Margery Haubner is the midwife of Pietenfeld and has been in contact with many children who died suddenly. The most recent example is Andreas and Barbara Weber’s son who became extremely ill after being held by Haubner. She will continue to be intensely interrogated.

With many witches being identified, it seems that this investigation is nowhere near finished and the heresy stretches beyond the outlying villages. Additional institutions will be implemented to aid in locating and trying these heretics. To promote efficiency, the witchfinder institution will function outside the administrative system and report directly to me. I have appointed Dr. Wolfgang Kolb to lead this administration, as he has extensive experience in this role, working for the count of Oettingen-Wallerstein and the duke of Bavaria. I am looking forward to our future achievements in sustaining the church’s purity, with Dr. Kolb’s assistance. One last note; the blog profile “Chatty Cathy” is a heretical source that attacks the legitimacy of our fight against the devil by spreading misinformation and mere gossip. If anyone knows the identity of this heretic, please inform me or Dr. Kolb.

Just to be clear, anyone found covering for Chatty Cathy will be well acquainted with the strappado pictured above.


  • Wolfgang Kolb: Blessed to be on board, for the glory of Christ! Amen.
    • B.J. Westerstetten: @Dr.WolfgangKolb Excited to have you on board. Please get started on finding the Chatty Cathy heretic right away. God speed.
  • Father Michael Reichard: @Dr.WolfgangKolb Welcome to the team!
    • Wolfgang Kolb: @FatherMichaelReichard Yes, I am looking forward to getting to know all of you. Very closely.
  • Joachin Meggelim: @Dr.WolfgangKolb Hello and welcome Dr. Kolb! Can I call you Wolfy? If not, we should get together and discuss possible nicknames for its part of initiation into the principality. Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to tackle the Chatty Cathy problem. Not that I cannot handle it haha, just want to give you an opportunity to prove yourself to the order. Keep me updated.
    • Wolfgang Kolb: @JoachinMeggelim: Yes, I am already following several leads.
    • Joachim Meggelin: @Dr. WolfgangKolb Glad to hear it, I knew you would be a natural! How about that get-together?
  • Barbara Weber: I regret the day that I let that heretic in my dear son’s proximity! God bless his soul.

Posted January 18, 1618, by Court Scribe Georg Mayr:

Hello, people of Eichstätt! I am the court scribe Georg Mayr and by the request of Prince Bishop Johann Christoph von Westerstetten, I am obliged to share the trial records of Margery Haubner. The Prince Bishop hopes to continuing being transparent with his loyal community amidst blasphemy and rumors. These trial records are from January 16, 1618.

Q: What is her name?

A: Margery Haubner, aged 55-year-old, works as a midwife in Adelschlag, wife to the horse herdsman at Moritzbrunn, a settlement to the northwest of Adelschlag. Lived with her husband for thirty-eight years and birthed seven children, one of which died from smallpox at four years old.

Q: Whether she knows the reason why she was ordered to appear at the town hall?

A: She states that she knows no other reasoning besides that the imprisoned Pietenfeld witches have accused her.

The judges attempt to extract a confession, which ends ineffectively so the denunciations are read out to her and specifically discussed. She denies knowledge of denunciations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and denies any spiritual, social, or physical interactions with the devil. She further asserts that she has not been anywhere near the sabbath location. She goes quiet when denunciation 8 is read and refuses to comment. She admits that she may be guilty of denunciations 9 and 10. Additionally, she firmly denies knowledge of denunciations 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.

Q: Why she was commonly held in evil suspicion on account of witchcraft? How long and with who has she been engaged in this vice?

A: Your Lordships, I cannot admit that I am a witch, as true as Christ was tortured and made to suffer.

The doctor continues to search the suspect’s body for the Devil’s mark. A mark is located on her left leg, right above her kneecap. She immediately squirms when the mark is pricked, and she is further examined. Another mark is located on the same leg on the backside of her thigh and appears insensitive when pricked.

Q: When did you receive the Devil’s marks?

A: She was unaware the Devil had marked her and claims it was not his doing. She continues to recite the Paternoster.


  • Wolfgang Kolb: Already have more witch suspects lined up for interrogation. @P.B.J.Westerstetten, do we have room to confine them in the town hall?
    • B.J. Westerstetten: @Dr.WolfgangKolb We are executing witches at a significant speed and have room for two more prisoners. How is the Chatty Cathy inquiry going?
    • Chatty Cathy: @P.B.J.Westerstetten Not great. Do you not have bigger issues? For example, the moral implications of executing an innocent woman for doing her job? Margery was an amazing person and deserved better.
    • B.J. Westerstetten: @ChattyCathy How dare you. Your judgment day will come soon I promise you.
    • Wolfgang Kolb: @ChattyCathy Your feelings blind you from the truth and you will pay.

Posted January 31, 1618, by Court Scribe Georg Mayr:

By order of your Prince Bishop here are further witch investigation updates of the Viter Gutmann and Margery Haubner cases. On January 20, 1618, known witch Viter Gutmann was brought forward to denounce Margery Haubner with the confrontation:

Gutmann: You are the same type of person as I am, I will die of it.

Haubner: I just want to ask whether you would wash your hands in my blood?

Gutmann: You are as much a witch as I am, and I have seen you now and then at diabolical gatherings on the Wascheggerten and Linsenwiesen!

Gutmann was then taken away and Haubner seemed devoid of emotion. With further force, she shared that the Devil had appeared as a squire in the wood, but then quickly retracted and refused to confess anymore.

Commissioners enacted the threat of torture, and Haubner shared with interrogators about her diabolical baptism. She stated that she had gone with Anna Bonschab to Anna Spät’s house. Then, they went on to the Altmühl, which ran by Spät’s village and it was where she was to be baptized. Along with Anna Spät and Anna Bonschab, Anna Schiller also witnessed her baptism. Afterward, they had a celebration at Spät’s house. She refused to share anymore.

Evidence taken down in the torture chamber.

The suspect is tied to the strappado and continues to refuse to speak. It is not until she is pulled up somewhat higher that she begins to profess that she is a witch and that she conspired with Anna Spät and her witch company.

Q: What evil practices were involved in the celebration stated prior?

A: She says that Spät and Schiller would supply children for the larger diabolical gatherings and initiated the exhumation of infant corpses. They would obtain the corpse with the help of Bonschab to dig up the bodies of children born to the Dürschin and Schmidin which had been buried in the cemetery at Adelschlag. They would return the corpses back to Spät’s house where Spät would burn their bones into a powder and used it to ‘make weather’ fulfilling the Devil’s wishes. She recounts watching Spät use the powder to poison meadows and frost up crops, destroying them with the Devil’s powder.


  • Chatty Cathy: Does the Prince Bishop have a comment on allegedly requesting Haubner to list accomplices, “especially in the city of Eichstätt”?
    • B.JWesterstetten: @ChattyCathy No comment. Do you have a comment for why you continue to harass us in the comments section but fail to repost a new blog entry?
    • Chatty Cathy: @B.JWesterstetten No comment.
  • Wolfgang Kolb: @P.B.JWesterstetten I have a new lead in the witch investigation for you to look into. Please contact me swiftly. God Bless.
    • Joachim Meggelin: @Dr.WolfgangKolb Be right there with my expert assistance Wolfy!

Posted February 4, 1618, by P.B.J. Christoph von Westerstetten:

We have finally extracted the rest of the official confessional transcript from Margery Haubner. The testimony states as followed:

The prisoner is led out again and questioned.

She says that she first met the Devil in the forest disguised as a hangman and he seduced her into having an illicit love affair. The next day the Devil revealed himself and demanded that she renounce God and pledge herself to his services and directed her to be rebaptized by Anna Spät.  The first harmful acts that she performed were against two black horses that were being herded by her husband in the meadows on the ‘Berg’ at Eichstätt. The Devil demanded that she murder her four-year-old son and other children she placed in a childbed, which she unquestionably followed. She continued to attempt to harm livestock over the years, a total of thirteen times and collaborated with other witches like Spät and Bonschab to do the same. Additionally, she confessed to aiding Spät with poisoning Viter Gutmann’s wife early last year. Spät concocted a drink for her to give to Spät’s daughter, which she executed, and Gutmann’s wife died six days later.

Margery Haubner has been officially convicted for witchcraft and heresy and will be executed later this week.


  • Council Scribe Georg Mayr: It has been confirmed that six days before his execution date, February 14, 1618, Viter Gutmann confirmed that Margery Haubner aided Anna Spät in murdering his wife.
  • Chatty Cathy: Oh, wow this is shocking! Did Gutmann mention Haubner in his confessions before the confrontation?
    • B.JWesterstetten: @ChattyCathy Why do you stand in the way of progress and turn your back on God’s will?
    • Chatty Cathy: @P.B.J.Westerstetten Why do eradicate rather than improve your community?
    • B.J.Westerstetten: @ChattyCathy Because change is driven through fear. Your time is up.
  • Wolfgang Kolb: @P.B.J.Westerstetten The heretic has been located. Bringing her to town hall immediately.
    • B.J.Westerstetten: @Dr.WolgangKolb Excellent. God Bless.

Posted June 20, 1618, by P.B.J. Christoph von Westerstetten:

Hello, the honorable population of the Eichstätt territory! I just want to provide an update as the principality’s presence has been very sparse on the blog website and you all deserve an explanation. First off, some housekeeping topics regarding the recent most vital event in our war against evil, the Bohemian Revolt. Undoubtedly these holy warriors have the Duke of Bavaria and the principality of Eichstätt’s support in their recatholicization efforts. War is upon us, and we must be ready for a Protestant invasion at any moment our government will do its best to maintain our alliances and protect our borders. I suggest you all start stocking up your crops and postpone your marriages and childbearing!

Within our own borders, our fight against evil has been a major success, as we have executed twenty-eight witches thus far. Most of you, I am sure, are aware of the anonymous blog user “Chatty Cathy” who has been the outlet of hearsay in the last few months. Whilst my commissioners and I were trying witches, my colleague Dr. Wolfgang Kolb and his team have been searching for the heretic, as she threatens the Eichstätt social order. Officially, on February 4, 1618, we identified and arrested Chatty Cathy and her conspirators and placed them under intense interrogation. We will not be disclosing any of these individuals’ identities. Instead, I want to look forward to what is next for our state progression. If one thing is clear, the social dynamics among the middle and upper class, revealed by Chatty Cathy, indicate that the diabolical influences have targeted the most respected and civilized individuals in the town of Eichstätt. Therefore, I will be moving my investigation to look specifically within the urban centers of our territory, and I promise you all that I will re-establish His moral authority. To avoid another ‘Chatty Cathy’ situation I will be forbidding the use of the blog until further notice.

God Bless and I look forward to officially getting to know you all further😊

Posted August 13, 1631, by Frederick Spee:

Hello, citizens of the Eichstätt district, my name is Frederick Spee and I am currently a professor and Jesuit priest at the University of Paderborn. This territory has seen major physical, mental, and spiritual devastation in the last few decades. Following the departure of your current Prince Bishop, Johann Christoph von Westerstetten to Ingolstadt, I wanted to send out a message of support for all the wrongful executions for witchcraft which have inevitably evolved into a massacre of good Christians. Although diabolical forces creep through our lands, I do not see any here and I want to commemorate the anonymous figure Chatty Cathy who, like myself, saw the issue in the unnecessary pain caused within the system in the name of God, especially in the province of Bavaria. Within my plea Cautio Criminalis, I wrote “torture has the power to create witches where none exist” and I hope you all can find reconciliation in this fact. Good luck to you all, keep fighting for change and God Bless.







Works Cited

Primary Sources

Spee, Frederick. Cautio Criminalis. Virginia: University of Virginia Press, 1631; 2003.

“The Witch- Hunt at Eichstätt, 1637.” In The Witchcraft Sourcebook, edited by Brian P. Levack, 219-225. London and New York: Routledge, 2015.

Secondary Sources

Dillinger, Johannes. “Germany – “The Mother of the Witches.” In The Routledge History of Witchcraft, 94-112. London: Routledge, 2019.

Dillinger, Johannes. “The Political Aspects of the German Witch Hunts,” Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 4, no. 1 (2009): 62–81.

Durrant, Jonathan. “Why Some Men and Not Others? The Male Witches of Eichstätt.” In Witchcraft and Masculinities in Early Modern Europe, edited by Alison Rowlands, 100-120. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Durrant, Jonathan B. Witchcraft, Gender and Society in Early Modern Germany. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2007.

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Rowlands, Alison. “Witchcraft and Old Women in Early Modern Germany,” Past and Present 173, no.1 (2001): pp. 50–89

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Writing Details

  • Author: BeckyP
  • Published: 14 April 2022
  • Word Count: 6049
  • Edit Link: (emailed to author) Request Now
  • Featured Image: Witchcraft: witches giving babies to the devil. Woodcut, 1720. Wellcome Collection. Public Domain Mark,, Edit by Rebecca Pinko
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