Start of Main Chat Board Thread-

Melisandebeaufort345: Bonjour mesdames et messieurs de la communauté! Over the past few years, as many of you are aware of, the cases of witch trials in Lorraine have steadily increased. Many members of our community have expressed their anxieties over this. Luckily, with our town located so near to Nancy, we are able to hear much of the news concerning these outbreaks. In light of this upswing in witch activity in our region, I have started this chat board What’s at Stake Lorraine? to document these devious happenings in our community and provide a platform for communication. There is also a private chat option for any personal matters, and a tab to post any documents in. Any blasphemy or heresy will not be tolerated. If you have any questions please direct message me! God bless you all.

Melisande Beaufort

21 octobre, 1588 (8h51)

C_lafumée: Salut à tous! Thank you Mme. Beaufort, for organizing this platform for us. I have been noticing some strange activity recently. Last Wednesday, this older woman was acting very rudely towards some marketeers in the square. She was wearing some odd necklaces too. One with an animal bone maybe? Anyways, I almost bumped into her while walking to work, and she looked at me angrily then stormed away. I have never seen her before, so maybe she lives on the edge of town. I don’t know, I don’t go there often. I mainly stay in town. But watch out for her, she was a very odd woman, and seemed to have a very bad temper. Wouldn’t want to be the one to bother her.

Chrétien LaFumée

19 novembre, 1588 (19h04)

J’aimejésus1534: Allô! I think I have seen this woman recently. Was she wrinkled and kind of disheveled looking @C_lafumée ? I saw her helping Mme. Dufort with her crops a few weeks ago. They seemed to be having a disagreement over something. It looked heated.

Algernon Martel

7 janvier, 1589 (13h31)

C_lafumée: @J’aimejésus1534 I think that is her! I talked with M. Dufort the other day and he was saying that Mme. Dufort was getting help with planting her crops this year from a farmer’s wife who lives at the edge of town. I think he mentioned her name was Marianne Chapdelaine. Long story short, Dufort said that this woman was supposed to help out for the whole spring, but she got into an argument with Dufort’s wife over some weird mutterings she was saying as she planted. Anyways, almost half of Dufort’s crops didn’t grow this year. Seems really weird to me.

Chrétien LaFumée

31 janvier, 1589 (11h54)

J’aime_les_chevaux67: Many of our crops also didn’t grow this year, and Melisande has been sick on and off since last winter. It is really quite odd. We’re praying that it doesn’t get any worse.

Alphonse Beaufort

15 février, 1589 (14h34)

Fermierpourvie_: It must be something sinister! Not only have our crops failed since that witch has been here, but our horse has gone lame. That cantankerous wench, it must be Marianne Chapdelaine bringing this misfortune upon us! How are we supposed to get to the spring market in Nancy? Zut alors— we’ll have to get a new horse, and with our terrible harvest this year. I can’t believe this is happening, God must be testing us.

François Dufort

20 mars, 1589 (12h01)

Herbs_and_plants66: Oh mon Dieu! Those prayers were to God to help your harvest @Fermierpourvie_ not harm it! If your wife would only learn her scripture properly she would’ve recognized them! Maybe it is she who is bringing misfortune. I am a good Christian woman, I go to church all time, multiple times a week if I can! 

**Post removed for blasphemous content**

Marianne Chapdelaine

2 avril, 1589 (21h32)

Jpmaimbourg_97: Bonjour! I know this chat board hasn’t been used in a while, but there’s been lots of strange occurrences in the past few years that I would like to document and share with everyone. I think we may have some witches tormenting us, and I feel that everyone should be updated. Many have reported crop failure, and animals falling ill or getting injured. @Fermierpourvie_ ’s boy broke his leg severely this summer and is now crippled. Quite a few others have also fallen ill over the past year. There are rumours circulating over who might a witch, especially since the Nancy market gathering last spring. Many suspect it may be @Herbs_and_plants66. On a brighter note, @Melisandebeaufort345 has recovered after a long illness. Bless her.

Jean Paul Maimbourg

30 décembre, 1594 (7h46)

J’aime_les_chevaux67: We need to do something about this. As I suspected last year, we have a witch problem. We cannot allow this evil to run rampant in the town. Has anyone contacted the échevins about this?

Alphonse Beaufort

17 janvier, 1595 (14h17)

Fermierpourvie_: My boy has broken his leg, we have lost most of our harvest for two years now, what else needs to happen before we apprehend @Herbs_and_plants66 ? I know it is her. I say we take matters into our own hands and bring this witch to justice. She is the root of all of our problems! Many have told me that she gives them bad looks, and that she is of the foulest of moods whenever they have interacted with her. She can’t be allowed to continue to bring this sin upon our town.

François Dufort

23 janvier, 1595 (18h15)

Monsieur_justice53: Salut les members de la communauté! There is no need for a lynch mob of any sort. We have sent an official complaint to the Change de Nancy to gain assistance with our witch problem. We hope to have the procurer général for Lorraine, Nicolas Remy, come here to conduct this investigation. He is apparently very good. We request everyone have patience and to not doing anything rash as we await a response from Nancy. Thank you, and peace be with you all.

Local Judge LeMarque

10 fevrièr, 1595 (9h01)

**Melisandebeaufort345 has provided admin privilege to Changedenancy and Remthebigprocureurgén_**

Melisandebeaufort345: Allô! Thank you all for your kind words and prayers over these past few years! The grace of God has allowed me to make a recovery, and I am so glad to be a part of the community again. I wanted to give a quick update you all. The Change de Nancy has written back to Judge LeMarque and is sending the procurer général to help investigate the witch activity here. They have requested admin privileges on this page in order to help with the investigation, provide updates, and store some trial records as well. Please do your best to assist them in anyway you can. M. Remy is set to arrive in town in about two weeks. God bless you all.

Melisande Beaufort

5 mars, 1595 (8h27)

**Remthebigprocureurgén_ has set a new profile picture**

Remthebigprocureurgén_: Bon soir, I have arrived to to take control of the rampant witch problem in your town! I used to attend witch trials as a boy, and have encountered evil powers many times before. I have great experience condemning witches and I know of nine hundred executions in Lorraine in the past fifteen years. There are many witches in the world not being brought to justice, and I intend to do my part to fix that. My fellow citizens, you are in good hands, but you need to act now. The longer these witches are allowed to go unpunished, the more you are allowing your lives to be governed by the devil! We need to take action! Here are the traits of these demonic witches: someone doing unchristian-like things, like not going to church or going to church too much, someone acting odd or rude, odd marks on the witch, if someone you know twitches a lot in their sleep, possessing odd objects like ointment or, being overly sexual. Also, some very obvious identifiers include flying, saying odd spells, blasphemy, or talking frequently about the devil or shapeshifting. Please report anyone fitting these descriptions or who you may think is a witch, and anything out of the ordinary. It is your duty to God to help rid the earth of the devil’s scum. If you are not with God, you are against him, so do not withhold any information about these witches.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

20 mars, 1595 (20h13)

Fermierpourvie_: Thank the Lord someone is doing something about the witches! @Remthebigprocureurgén_ if you read the posts from years past you will see clearly that the witch we are dealing with is Marianne Chapdelaine (@Herbs_and_plants66). She needs to be brought to justice. Crops have been dying, and people and animals have been falling ill and getting harmed ever since this witch started coming around. Just a dreadful woman too, and very odd. She lives at the edge of town witch her husband.

François Dufort

22 mars, 1595 (11h36)

J’aime_les_chevaux67: I am very glad to have you in town, @Remthebigprocureurgén_ ! I am not confident who the witch is, but I am sure you’ll find them and restore our town back to God. My wife was very sick the past few years, so it will be very nice to find out who cursed her, so that we may have some peace of mind.

Alphonse Beaufort

23 mars, 1595 (16h12)

J’suis_inquiet23: Do we have to testify?


23 mars, 1595 (18h23)

Marie_LaMont: Marianne was brought into custody early this morning. She must have been arrested from her house because I saw her being taken across the square this morning to the court. It looked like they were coming from the outskirts of town. It was really quite horrifying, you could hear her angrily talking the whole way. She was saying that she wasn’t guilty and saying horrible things about people spreading false rumours. She also seemed praying to God. She must know what happens when you are accused of witchcraft. I just hope this is over soon. God have mercy in her soul.

Marie LaMont

1 avril, 1595 (10h54)

Remthebigprocureurgén_: Allô! We are putting out a call for any witnesses of witchcraft. Please direct message me and we will arrange a time for you to come give your depositions. We are specifically looking for testimonies concerning Marianne Chapdelaine. Just remember this is for the good of the community, and to help protect the Christian faith. Please do your part. Otherwise, these witches will continue to roam free, terrorizing your children, poisoning the earth, and bringing stand and his demons into your community!

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

2 avril, 1595 (8h00)

Start of a Private Chat Board Thread between Melisandre and Marie-

Melisandebeaufort345: AllĂ´, Marie. I am scheduled to testify against Marianne at the end of the week, and I am very worried. Do you have a moment to chat?

10 avril, 1595 (20h17)

Marie_LaMont: Bon soir, Melisandre. Of course, I have a moment for my friend. Why are you worried?


Melisandebeaufort345: I am very concerned that Marianne will retaliate if I testify. I am afraid she will kill me this time, if she can. She nearly did last time, I was sick almost constantly for years.


Marie_LaMont: Understandable, but this is all the more reason to give the full extent your experience ever since she was gruff with you when you were selling your vegetables and herbs at the market leading to your terrible sickness. If you can make sure she is convicted, she won’t be able to hurt you again. 


Melisandebeaufort345: You are very wise, Marie. Thank you, have good evening.


Marie_LaMont: Goodnight, Melisande.


Continuation of Main Chat Board Thread-

Remthebigprocureurgén_: Good news everyone. We have collected all the depositions of the witnesses. Records of these testimonies along with any future documents from this trial will be uploaded in a password protected folder under the documents tab. Please contact me, @Monsieur_justice53 or @Changedenancy if you would like access to these documents. We are now starting the process of interrogating Mme. Chapdelaine based on the witness testimonies. God be with you all. Have a good rest of your night, everyone.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

18 mai, 1595 (18h31)

-Excerpts from the Witness Depositions in the Password Protected Folder-

1. François Dufort, 44, testified that the accused has a long reputation for rudeness and witchcraft. Five or six years earlier she had agreed to help his wife, Marguerite, with planting the crops in the spring. During this, Marguerite witnessed Marianne chanting something over the seeds. When Marguerite confronted her, she vehemently denied this saying that she was only praying, then proceeded to call Marguerite unchristian. By the harvest season, over half the crops had not grown, and his horse had gone lame. Marianne has been antagonistic towards them ever since. About three years later, François’ son broke his leg after falling from a wood pile. If Marianne was a witch as reputed, he thought she was the cause of these incidents.

5. Melisande, wife of Alphonse Beaufort, 53, deposed that she had heard Marianne, who lived at the outskirts of the town, reputed as a witch as long as she had known her. About seven years ago, the accused had approached her at her market stand and had gotten in a quarrel with her over the prices of the herbs and vegetables she was selling. The accused insisted she needed them, but would not say what for, and would not pay the amount they were offered for. Melisande refused to sell them to the accused for any less. The accused then abruptly left mumbling indiscernible words. A few weeks later, Melisande was afflicted by “a cold sickness” that lasted on and off for many years. She claims her husband, Alphonse Beaufort, implored Marianne many times to lift the sickness, but she vehemently refused saying that Melisande deserved it. Ever since then, she states that many of her crops and herbs did not grow or spoiled. She could only assume that Melisande had bewitched her… 

13. Jean Paul Maimbourg, 24, had helped Marianne’s husband plow his fields many years back. Later that day, he was on his way home, when he had severe pain in his leg. He said he was bedridden for a week after this. When he was well enough he went to the doctor, who diagnosed him with a strain in his thigh. However, he did not think that she caused his injury, and if she had he forgave her.

21. Chrétien LaFumée, 50, had witnessed the accused’s quarrel with Melisande many years ago. He had not known of the accused before this time, but later become aware that she had a long reputation as a witch. He said she wore odd necklaces, and it looked as if she had a very unkempt rosary in her pocket. As she was leaving the square she had run into him, and for the rest of the day he had a feeling of unease. He also reported having crop failure every year, and three of his cows had taken ill since this occurrence…

Continuation of Main Chat Board Thread-

Remthebigprocureurgén_: Bonjour! I wanted to let everyone know that I have recently released a demonological treatise called Demonolatry. It details witchcraft in its entirety with entries including details  of the unholy sabbat, the Devil’s mark, and the unsavoury acts that witches engage in. All of this information is from other esteemed scholars before me, and my own expertise from my many years of prosecuting witches. Before my time as the procurer général, I condemned over eight hundred witches to death as a part of my mission to rid the world of this scourge. This is God’s plan for me, and I will accomplish it. I have brought many copies with me. Any local magistrates, clerics, or scholars please feel free to contact me if you are interested. It is sure to enhance your abilities to find, understand, and exterminate any witches, therefore bringing you closer to God. 

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

21 mai, 1595 (10h37)

Monsieur_justice53: @Remthebigprocureurgén_ that is very impressive! Could I please buy a copy of it?

Local Judge LeMarque

1 juin, 1595 (14h31)

Remthebigprocureurgén_: @Monsieur_justice53 direct message me.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

2 juin,  1595 (9h12)

J’aimejésus1534: Does anyone have any details of when Marianne will be interrogated or when the confrontations will occur? I am very concerned for my family and the well-being of this community. As long as she is allowed to live without punishment for her sins, we are at risk. What if there are more?

Algernon Martel

5 juin,  1595 (16h40)

Remthebigprocureurgén_: @J’aimejésus1534 Thank you for your concern. We are currently in the process of interrogating the accused witch, and will have the transcripts posted in the password protected folder. Please have patience as this is meticulous work, and do not worry all measures have been taken to ensure the accused will not be able to harm others during the trial. We will uncover the truth of the evil deeds she has committed for the devil and prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law, so that she may do no more harm to your community.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

7 juin,  1595 (17h19)

Remthebigprocureurgén_: The interrogation transcripts have been posted. Please contact me, the Change de Nancy or the local authorities for access.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

15 juin,  1595 (7h49)

-An Excerpt from the Interrogation Transcripts in the Password Protected Folder-

10 juin, 1595. The accused, Marianne Chapdelaine, said she was native to Baignon, near Verso in Burgundy. Her parents, Michel and Corinne Toulouse were poor farmers, who often had to beg to help support themselves. The accused had lived with them until they had passed because of plague many years ago. After this she begged for many years, until she was graciously employed to run errands for an apothecary. A year later she was married to Vincent Chapdelaine, who was a carpenter from France. She thinks she was about nineteen at the time. She is now about 51.

Over the past thirty years, she had five children, 4 of which were still alive and away working in Allemaigne. She confesses to quarrelling with Marguerite Dufort after helping her with her crops. However, she claims that she was merely saying blessings over the crops and that Marguerite had called her a witch. The accused stated that Marguerite was ignorant and neglecting her faith, and rather than admitting she did not know the blessings, she perpetuated this negative reputation. When asked about Marianne Beaufort’s illness she said she did not know of any remedies for the sickness she had, but that she had not caused it or wished it upon her in any way.

She denied any other suggestions of quarrels or disagreements. She said that they were “all unchristian, and the children of witches who spit in the face of God for bearing false witness.”

Continuation of Main Chat Board Thread-

Melisandebeaufort345: Hello everyone! The summer market festival will be occurring at the beginning of next month. We will be having celebrations through the week of the festival and many vendors. If you have any questions or would like to reserve a place in the market, please contact my husband (@I_love_horses67). He is on the festival committee, and should be able to answer and queries! Have a blessed summer!

Melisande Beaufort

16 juin, 1595 (8h03)

Changedenancy: Based on the interrogation of the accused, Marianne Chapdelaine, we have sent a formal request to @Remthebigprocureurgén_ and @Monsieur_justice53 that she be confronted with witnesses. The request has been sent to your offices, and should arrive within the week.

Change de Nancy Offices

19 juin, 1595 (8h00)

Remthebigprocureurgén_: @Changedenancy the report of the confrontation has been posted in the password protected folder, and an official transcript has been mailed to the offices.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

1 juillet, 1595 (15h32)

-The Report of the Confrontation in the Password Protected Folder-

27 juin 1595. A request was made by the Change de Nancy that Marianne Chapdelaine be confronted with witnesses. She denied all charges. She made many comments calling the witnesses witches, unchristian, and sinners for falsely testifying against her.

Continuation of Main Chat Board Thread-

Remthebigprocureurgén_: Bonjour, we still do not have a confession from the accused. A formal request has been sent to the Change de Nancy to allow us to take measures to ensure justice.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

3 juillet, 1595 (20h03)

Continuation of a Private Chat Board Thread between Melisandre and Marie-

Melisandebeaufort345: But Marie, do you think she’ll confess? What if she doesn’t? 

7 juillet, 1595 (21h14)

Marie_LaMont: Of course she will. She’s guilty, and Remy has requested “further measures.” She will not be able to withstand any torture.


Melisandebeaufort345: I just hope this is over soon. She must know she has to confess to save her soul…


Continuation of Main Chat Board Thread-

Changedenancy: @Remthebigprocureurgén_ , your request has been approved, you may proceed.

Change de Nancy Offices

13 juillet, 1595 (12h52)

Remthebigprocureurgén_: A transcript of the interrogation of the accused under torture has been posted in the password protected folder. It was unsuccessful. She is still insisting that she is a good Christian, but we have substantial witness testimony that indicates otherwise. Another round of torture will be administered tomorrow, and that transcript will be uploaded as well.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

15 juillet, 1595 (20h01)

-Excerpts from the Interrogations Under Torture Transcripts in the Password Protected Folder-

15 juillet 1595. The accused was racked severely, and yet was adamant in her conviction that she was innocent. She kept repeating that she was a good Christian and was devout to God. She would not confess. 

16 juillet, 1595. The accused was tortured again. She was again racked, in a harsher manner this time. She finally exclaimed that she would confess. She then proceeded to say that she had been approached by Persin over fifteen years ago, and that he seduced her. She claimed that she was destitute at the time, and her and her family were starving. So, she said he had come to her in the night offering a purse. In exchange for his support, she had to forsake God by signing a pact with her own blood. She did not own a pen, so he pricked her with a feather and helped her sign in her own blood. After this, he gave her some powders and an ointment. She used the ointment to help her travel to the sabbat, which she visited many times. She saw CĂ©leste, the wife of Maurice Archambeau, dancing there.

She tried one of the powders on her cat and it died. She then used the powder, along with a spell on François Dufort’s crops so that they would not grow, and later his horse to make it lame. She also used it on Melisandre Beaufort, to make her fall ill after their disagreement in the market because she was angry. She did try to heal Melisandre multiple times with a yellow powder, but Persin bade the accused to keep making her ill. She continued to use the powder to kill many crops in the town, and killed a chicken, and a vagrant who had approach her for scraps.

She also confessed to performing acts of sodomy with Persin at the sabbat, but did not say anything else other than that it was very unpleasant and cold. She also said that some of the others who attended the sabbat transformed themselves into wolf-like beasts to arrive there. She claims did not know the names of any of the other individuals at the sabbat.

Continuation of Main Chat Board Thread-

Remthebigprocureurgén_: The accused has confessed under torture to numerous crimes that fall under the category of witchcraft. Tomorrow we will hold one last interrogation to confirm her confession which will also be posted to the folder.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

17 juillet, 1595 (9h24)

Fermierpourvie_: Thank the Lord that witch finally confessed. May she be brought to justice, so that our children and our community will be safe, prosperous, and may bathe in the Lord’s grace once again. 

François Dufort

17 juillet, 1595 (12h57)

C_lafumée: Finally, I hope our crops will start growing again. She will cause no more harm.

Chrétien LaFumée

17 juillet, 1595 (13h15)

-The Transcription of the Confirmation of the Confession in the Password Protected Folder

18 juillet, 1595. Interrogation. The accused confirmed her earlier confessions. When asked again if she recognized anyone else at the sabbat or brought anyone to it, she states that she did not. Remy requested her execution. What follows is a portion of the transcript of this interrogation:

18 juillet, 1595.

1. Whether she had been seduced by the devil and signed a pact with him in exchange for money, powders, and ointment,

Says yes.

2. Whether she had use that ointment to visit the sabbat multiple times,

Says yes.

3. Who she had seen at the sabbat,

Repeats her earlier testimony, saying that she only saw Céléste, the wife of Maurice Archambeau.

4. Who else she had seen at the sabbat,

Says she did not know. They looked like wolves.

5. Whether she recognized anyone else at the sabbat,

Says no, and that she had already testified to that.

6. Whether she had brought anyone to the sabbat,

Says no, and repeats that she had already testified to that.

7. What kind of acts did she perform at the sabbat,

Says she danced and that Persin forced her to engage in embarrassing acts. Says they were unpleasant.

8. How were the acts performed,

Says only that they were unnatural and unpleasant.

9.  How did she use the powders given to her by the devil to cause harm,

Says she would sprinkle the powders on crops while chanting a spell, and feed it to the animals. She said she blew the powder on Melisande, the wife of Alphonse Beaufort, in passing to cause her sickness. Says Persin made her ensure that Melisande would not recover. 

Continuation of Main Chat Board Thread-

Changedenancy: @Remthebigprocureurgén_ your formal request for execution has been approved, on the condition of a reiteration of confessions without threat of torture. The second administration of torture had been against good practice and lawful procedure.

Change de Nancy Offices

23 Juliet, 1595 (14h43)

Remthebigprocureurgén_: After a second reiteration of confessions without threat of torture, the accused claims she was not a witch and only confessed because of the pain of torture. However, after suggesting the Devil may have persuaded her to say this, she confirmed her earlier confessions. She will be sentenced to execution for the crime of witchcraft and her possessions will be confiscated by the duchy.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

31 juillet, 1595 (18h54)

Continuation of a Private Chat Board Thread between Melisandre and Marie-

Melisandebeaufort345: Marie, I witnessed the execution today. It was dreadful. I know our community will be safer now, but I can’t get the image out of my mind as she was strangled, then the awful sound and smell of her body burning. At least she told the truth. Her soul will be with God once again now.

10 août, 1595 (19h59)

Continuation of Main Chat Board Thread-

Fermierpourvie_: Praise the lord, the witch is dead! We should have known there would be more though. They must also be brought to justice, starting with Céléste Archambeau!

François Dufort

12 août, 1595 (13h53)

J’aime_les_chevaux67: I hope that our crops may recover now that the witch has been executed! I agree with @Fermierpourvie_ , we must get rid of any other witches.

Alphonse Beaufort

17 août, 1595 (14h12)

C_lafumée: Thank you to everyone who came forth to help eliminate this threat to our community! I’m sure we can all feel a little safer and closer to God now.

Chrétien LaFumée

18 août, 1595 (14h19)

Remthebigprocureurgén_: Do not fear! We have already opened an inquiry into the other witches of the town. If there is one, there must be more. If anyone has any information on the reputation and activities of Céléste Archambeau, please direct message me. Remember it is your duty to God to fight against these malicious agents of the devil.

Procureur Général Nicolas Remy

20 août, 1595 (11h32)


Briggs, Robin. “Dangerous Spirits: Shapeshifting, Apparitions, and Fantasy in Lorraine Witchcraft Trials.” In Werewolves, Witches, and Wandering Spirits: Traditional Belief & Folklore in Early Modern Europe, edited by Kathryn A. Edwards, 1-24. Missouri: Truman State University Press, 2002.

Briggs, Robin. The Witches of Lorraine. Oxford, 2007.

Jacotey, Marie-Louise, and Serge Najean. Justice et sorcellerie en Lorraine. Dominique Guéniot, 2008.

Levack, Brian P., ed., “Nicolas Remy: The Devil’s Mark and Flight to the Sabbath, 1595.” In The Witchcraft Sourcebook, 2nd ed., 88-95. Routledge, 2015.

Levack, Brian P., ed. “The Trial of Françatte Camont in Lorraine, 1598.” In The Witchcraft Sourcebook, 2nd ed., 203-208. Routledge, 2015.

Monter, William. A Bewitched Duchy: Lorraine and its Dukes, 1477-1736. Librairie Droz S.A., 2007.

Monter, William. “Fiscal Sources and Witch Trials in Lorraine.” Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 2, no. 1 (Summer 2007): 21-48.

Morton, Peter A., ed. The Trial of Tempel Anneke. Translated by Barbara Adams. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.

Roehrig, Jacques. Ă€ mort, la sorcière ! – Sorcellerie et rĂ©pression en Lorraine XVIe-XVIIe siècles. La NuĂ©e bleue, 2007.

Voltmer, Rita, and Maryse Simon. “Judge and Demonologist: Revisiting the impact of Nicolas Rémy on the Lorraine witch trials.” In Demonology and Witch-Hunting in Early Modern Europe, edited by Julian Goodare, Rita Voltmer, and Liv Helene Willumsen, 187-208. Milton Park: Routledge, 2020.

Writing Details

  • Author: Mateya Tomasino
  • Published: 9 April 2022
  • Word Count: 5515
  • Featured Image: Woodcut
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